Saturday, April 14, 2007 @ 12:42 PM

*** Read it in Unicode to view the Chinese words. Thanks.

Firstly, sorry for those who have a hard time reading Chinese words. Well, I'm bad in my Chinese but I do wish to write my post in Chinese someday, which is now??!! Haha... Well, this would be my 333th post, and would be the last post for the month. Well, I should start my crap with Chinese from now...





Mr Ong & Gang:
我是永远不会忘记你们的教导,尤其是 Mr Ong,虽然每一个星期我一定会尝试到藤条的威力,但我知道你是为我好。数一数,我应该得了多过一百次的鞭打吧。哈哈!回想一下,我盼望我们小时候的快乐,盼望小时候的天真。如果时间能倒流,我愿意每一个星期承受着鞭打的痛,因为有我今天的成就,都是你一手教出来的。

然而,也不会忘记题到周老师和 Ms Tan 的鼓励,让我能用华文来写出我的喜怒哀乐在这个日记和自己的作曲里。而在补习班里,我认识了许多好友和死党,让我发现友情的魔力是独一无二的。我永远会念着所有的小朋友们,那可爱而活泼的笑容,那甜美的声音叫我一声:“伟德哥哥。。。”
4/4 - Sry for not replying you on msn. anyways, i suggest its best you dont care about me anymore. sry :)

如果你有看到这份写作,你应该会觉得很好奇,为何您的名在这呢?!其实,我真很感激您,在一起的那五个月里,我们不只了解了对方的心,而给彼此一个机会去表示给对方的挚爱。在那一瞬间,我开始能理解到真正的爱情是如此的美好,如此的甜蜜。我还记得我们的承诺但是我自己却办不到。可是,我希望我们还是永远的朋友吧。最重要的是你和我的好兄弟,Poh Ee, 能生活地开开心心。哈哈哈!!这才叫做好夫妻吧??恩恩爱爱的。。。想起来时真的好肉麻哦。。。哈哈!!

CSS Band
CCSB... Congrats in getting your Bronze award in SYF 07. Although I hope that the Band could get a Sliver award but it was not to be. Well, try harder next time. For the ones who are stepping down, I hope that you would enjoy the music piece, 'Flight of Valour' for the very last time during Canberrians Day. Its just that you will feel that something is missing when you stop going to Band. Haha...

Well, as your senior, or as a senior in the Band, I really want to thank the Band for building my love and interest towards music. This is why my passion towards Music never die at all, and I continue to nurture as I enter NYP, by joining the Voice Ensemble to learn Music in an unique way. To me, CSSB is a precious thing in my entire life. I missed the seniors, my beloved wife; my tuba and as well as the musical pieces that we played together.

Few days ago, Jarrell started to play the music piece of 'Odessey' and 'Stone Mountain Fantasy'. Though I dont know the exact way of playing the notes, I think I could still figure the parts that my Tuba section should be playing. Cool... Furthermore, with Mdm Tan around, I got to see the real Band back together for a moment. I got to see the true meaning of the Band's motto, "One Band, One Sound, One Spirit". Thanks everyone, for making this SYF a dream come true. Its not the medals that count but the spirit. We did get a 'Gold with some rust' but we did something that no one else have... which is to unite as one. We did it... and I hope that unity never ends... Cheers...

VJ and Gang
Back to Chinese again!!不是因为我很自私,明知道VJ不是个会读华文字母的人而用华语来写出我的感想。其实,VJ的华语进步了许多。每一次他看到一些华文字母时,他一定义不容辞的问我们,到底这个华文字是有什么意思。

在这几个月越来,我跟着VJ,Jeremy,Vincent,Reeza,Valerie和 Yao Xing,我不只学了很多关于电子的机器,它们的用处和对世界将来的改变是否可大可小。然而,在我最寂寞的时刻,他们一定会在一旁的问候我。我本身也不知道为何会跟他们一起有个好的友情。我只知道大家在一起的日子真的很快乐。回想一起在房间里玩电脑游戏,看电影,说奇奇怪怪的笑话等等。

在那群当中,Jeremy 是我最了解的人吧。在同样的小学到中学,而现在也在同样的理工学院读书,真是个意想不到的事件啊!而重要点是我和他有共同的愿望,共同的梦想去追求。我们彼此学习,彼此鼓励自己,去把愿望实现。虽然每次碰面,我一定会叫他一声“白痴 (retard)”但我们当中是没有恶意的。小时候的我们,现在的我们,将来的我们。。。是注定做一辈子的好友吧。

11/3 - seriously, i hope u wld stp reminding n asking me to eat and all. Sry.. but the way u keep askin n reminding is like indirectly nagging or smth...

Regular Buddies (Eugene & Gang)
从中一到中五所认识的朋友们。。。虽然中学的日子已经过去了,但我们大家还是会聚在一起,让彼此之间的友情不消失。然而,我们也开始有个共同点,就是对足球有兴趣。我自己不知要怎么写出我现在的心情。但在这一群的好友们;Eugene, Jack, Jia Long, Kian Wee, Jonathan, Gavin, Jimmy 和 Raymond ;不管是五年或三年的了解,我们还是2005年,康培中学 - 5N3班的一份子,是学校唯一的中五班所创历史。


18/3 - Hum... I'm just feeling tired. I'd rather keep things to myself than to tell people eh. I mean nobody could understand what i've been feeling since primary 2 eh. Well, maybe there's 1... who kws.. however, for now... i just hope I could rely on someone... I need someone who could really understands me and be there for me when I need somebody. I've been feeling lonely & emptiness.

Cindy & Alvin Tan
有时我真的想骂这对姐弟。姐姐有时会发疯,不知不觉地会开始大笑。我自己不知道该怎么做。弟弟呢?天啊!他能让我长出许多白头发,有时能气死我。但我不知道为什么我会和他们相处的那么好。也许我开始把 Alvin当成是我的学生,所以我会不断地和他沟通。虽然最近发生了一些不该发生的事,但我希望他能知道自己所犯下的错。姐姐呢也应该帮助他吧。虽然每次我遇见他们有时象在争吵,但其实这也许是他们之间的沟通,之间的亲情吧。


24/3 - i'm in no mood to use e com. I'm like a totally differet person when in sch and at hm and when with or without friends la... tired le la.


30/3 - Actually, i have smthgs to say. But I just dont think I should, anyway, nights...

6/4 - ... its killing me ok! i hate the life i'm having now.... did you kw i didnt try? hw did you kw i never wanted advice.......

Thursday, April 12, 2007 @ 8:46 PM
Band SYF... Make or Break Decisions..

I'm having a tiring day and yet there are still many things for me to do. First thing first, its the Band's SYF 07. Canberra Band was all hype in the morning but end up being half wounded during the real competition. I think it isnt because they are too tired or exhausted but its because their emotions are not mentally prepared at all.

Anyway, I was helping the Band at the backstage of the hall, with Rui Xiang's accompany. The first 3 bars of the piece, 'Sunrise' has squeaks!!! OMG!! That was already killing the atmosphere of the hall. After the 3 bars, everything went perfect. Phew! Rui Xiang and I were feeling better after that. A total of 5 squeaks in the piece 'Sunrise'... Haix... Next, the choice piece, "Flight of Valour'. Everything was good until the last few parts when everyone seems to start rushing. Its a bad thing to rush especially when you are supposed to play the tune with full force and power in it. Haha... Well, at least the music was better than 'Sunrise'.

Once its done, we went out of the hall. The first sight of the members did gave me a sign of relief. No one is crying... I'm glad that they dont feel so emotional once they finished playing, like what happened 2 years ago. We had a short break and went back to the hall to listen the results, which was at 1pm. The results were announced and we got.... got.... Bronze. I dont mean that Bronze is a bad award for us but the rest were aiming for a Silver. What's done is done and no point regreting. However, I'm happy that the Band still feeling happy with what they had achieved. If they tried their best, its already a good thing to get Bronze.

When we were going back home, things started to go chaotic. The 1st group that took the bus back to Canberra Secondary took the wrong bus, ending up at Nee Ann Secondary. OMG!! Never mind... While they were heading back, our bus came and we board it. However, Mdm Tan, who was there to support us, remembered that a teacher wanted to board the bus with us. At that moment, the bus was turning its way out of the Conference Hall and Mdm Tan was trying to contact Ms Pan... The bus driver was nagging...

I dont know what happened to me but I shouted at the driver to open the door and I rushed to find Ms Pan and asked if she's joining us and rushed back. I entered the bus and realised that some of the Band members looking at me... Hmm... I think I was just too fierce or angry... Did I shocked them?? I dont know.

Once we reached Canberra, Mdm Tan had a short talk with the Band members. What she said was right. The Band has lose its previous spirit; a spirit that contains motivation and determination. I hope after Mdm Tan's speech, the Band would realised that there isnt much change after Mdm Tan left. It all depends on themselves to win or achieve what they want. Like Ifan and Cristy, I know that its hard for you people to suffer defeats in a competition. The tension and pressure is there but what matters most is to enjoy music. Cristy, remember what I told you in the bus? As long as you try your best, getting a Bronze means nothing. Its the effort that counts... Hehe... so everyone... SMILE!!! (Well, no one crys after the result or else its gonna be hard to console them... Hehe...)

Well, I was really tired once SYF was over... However, things got worst when I was about to go back home. Alvin's Dad came to school and had a talk with me and Aw Yong. That is really bad since there is some misunderstanding between Alvin's Dad and me. Its about the tuition crap. I dont blame his Dad for being rude as all parents do hope their child to have a good future. Yet, I think Alvin should know what he needs to do from now on.

If you do read this blog, Alvin, look here... I'm very tired today so I'm trying not to scold anyone. I really feel like giving you a beating but I cant. I dont like the way you told your Dad about things and what matters most is you could cost my existence in this school if your Dad complains to the Principal. I agree that I was too tense up when your Dad says "Follow me to the office..." Alright, my bad.., However, I do wish that you would understand what I told you, especially the part when I told you 'Dont climb up to my head and shit!'

I'm not feeling angry or what but I want you to do some soul searching. Think what you have done... I can lose my authority for this school but I dont want to lose my integrity because of some miscommunication. Hope you would change your own character, alright?? You are no longer a kid and I dont need to spend time to reprimand you. Now it seems that I did put some things on the line to teach you, and I dont know what would happen in the future... Haix... Dont make me go crazy again, please....

Gonna rest now... Starting my '15 Hour Sleeping Challenge' at 10pm... Nites people... Oh... Before I end, Diana, if you are reading this post, just want to tell you to eat something, at least something light, if you didnt eat a single piece of food today... Do take care....

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 @ 10:45 PM
Problems COME and GO...

Thanks V.J.!! Thanks for helping me to 'kill' the xml codes. Blogger is making me going nuts and I realised that things, probably what we called it, 'Technology', changes every minute. First, from Windows Xp to Vista... Now, from Blogger's 'HTML' to 'XML'... Haix... I think I need to update myself with the future. Haha...

Anyway, the new V.E. blog is completed but I still think it looks crappy. There's more to be done to make sure that everything looks nice and neat. I think I need to stress that on Friday again, this time, alone. Anyway, I went back to Canberra at 7.30am. A pain for me, with the singing with the students. I mean... Its been a long time since I sang the National Anthem as well as the School song. Gosh! Not bad, I still remember the lyrics of the songs after all. A true Canberrian, well, previously... and a one and only Singaporean... Haha...

Meeting was at 10am and I was late. I rushed back to NYP and end up the meeting starts at 11am. It was a hack of 5 hours that kills my brain. Brainstorming for games for the coming camp. We tried to make things fun but still, we need to test it out no matter what. Its like you need to have enough people to hold an event properly. Now that's another problem that kills my brain cells. Haha... Once everything ends, I head back to Canberra, check out the Band and do my stuff before heading to Charissa's house for dinner??!!

Yeah... Dinner. Well, V.J., Yao Xing, Reeza and Vincent was with me too and I really want to apologise to you, Charissa. Sorry for being a rude guest who went to your house and started sleeping. Its just that I've been too tired lately. With the completion of the blog to be done, I had to make trips to Canberra as early as 9.30am for the past 2 days and today? 7.30am... Zzzz... Anyway, thanks for the pillow and the sofa. I'm having back problems since I wasnt sleeping that well last night. Thanks...

Now, at least some problems are solved, in the meantime. Blog... 1/2 done... Band... Ready for tomorrow's SYF... Good luck... Games for camp... More problems... While some other stuff, I dont want to bother much. I mean, it seems that, or I feel that I was not at fault and the problem does not concerns me at all. I was not the one who did it. Well, I may look it as an offensive exchange but let's just say, I'm tired... I will only interfere when my responsibility or honour is under jeapody.

Time to sleep... Sharks... 6.15am at Canberra tomorrow... -.-"

Monday, April 09, 2007 @ 11:59 PM

Happy birthday, my dearest sister... Luckily I did buy her favourite eggs for her. LOL!! I went to Sun Plaza and bought the eggs, thinking that I could give her a surprise but end up, she phoned me and told me that she's at home. I end up taking a bus back to pass the eggs to her. No choice... I dont eat such eggs. Haha... Well, I do hope that she like the egg, which was my gift. Since she wished to eat the eggs on Saturday night, I think its a worthwhile present for her.

Too bad, I couldnt stay long to celebrate with her, as well as Mum and Dad... I had V.E. today and seriously, I wasnt in the right condition to sing. Headache was killing me when V.E. starts and I was feeling moody at that point of time. Maybe I'm tired, which Kah Hong had told me, probably because I'm too vex with so many things, that's why I was feeling moody about many things and feel the negative effects of the happenings around me these days. I dont know... All I know is that I need a break. I'm too tired...

Time's up!!! I'm dead tired and shagged. Sleep more, rest more... Later there's a blog to complete by Wednesday. OMG!!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007 @ 11:06 PM
Water Trouble...

Gosh... Today's swim is terrible, horrible, vegetable... I end up towing my friend and nearly drown.. Alright, not really in that situation that I would die but nearly. After the past few days of exercising, I think my muscles are just losing it. My whole body is locking itself up. I tried to pull my friend back but it was hard, it was as if I was towing an 100kg horse??!! What's worst was that I end up breathing water and my friend never got to take a single sip into his mouth.

Its good that he doesnt drink any water as its a basic rule for rescuers, to keep the victims feel calm at times. In the end, I was down there struggling, with water entering my nose and I'm trying to get oxygen from any corner or direction that could lead me to more breathing space.

Think that everything was over?? Nah!! Dad was the hero in the end. He broke the handler of the shower hose and put everyone in the blame. Diao... He was the last one who used it and he said its us who frequently used the handler without proper care... Thinking he's smart, he told us how the shower hose could be used in the mean time... Zzz... I feel like punching him in the face again... Let's just see what's gonna happen tomorrow...

@ 2:19 AM
Aching Moments...

I lost my cool... That's all I could say for now. I think I'm just going crazy as each day passes by. I always wanted to train hard to achieve better results in what I do but yet today, it seems that I just lost the plot for the entire match. Although we won the match, the score was 5-4. What's more angry was how I played the game. I just screw the whole defence. Sion was right. Pace is an essential weapon in a match but we should use it against the correct people. I just used my pace all the time, probably everytime...

These days I really think that I'm just doing things over the limit. There's swimming training later and after that, I think I would stop excerising for the next few days. Sorry Andy, no gym for next week. I really need a break or else my leg would be the first to be broken into pieces. Anyway, right now, I have difficulties twisting my ankle and moving my right kneecap. I think I have used too much force on kicking the ball. Its time to retire from soccer once I enter Army, I guess... Everyone just flies in a tackle or a push and that really irritates me, making me to get angry while playing. Its time to break their legs from now on. I'm serious. If they gonna break legs, then why dont we break theirs first?? %&*%*^

I'm really exhausted now. Now its 2 plus and I got to wake up at 5 for praying. Zzz... Never mind, I shall sleep while traveling then. Things in my mind now is getting messy... each day... each moment... someone just make me go mad all the time, or maybe not. Its getting harder to sleep as I ponder alot. Damn... Something is really wrong with me. What the... Its either I think too much or I cant help it to think about it.

Seriously, what I'm typing now is all trash. Its best that no one reads it. Its not really that I'm physically aching but as well as mentally. Its hard to show a person how much you care... Yet, I could determine the person's feelings at that moment by looking at their MSN nicks??!! Life is getting difficult each day. If you want someone to be happy and yet you cant do anything at all, gosh, that person should be a nothing after all. Yeah!! I agree, thats me... I'm feeling helpless for the past week, maybe month??!!! Even the sweetest STRAWBERRY MILKTEA turns out to be not sweet at all, probably SOUR!! @#%#&^*@

AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!I just typed crap again... Think I wont continue now.... Man Utd lost!! Another aching moment to bear...

Saturday, April 07, 2007 @ 12:46 AM
Cooking... VJ's Promotion Treat...

First of all, I apologised about last night's post. I wasnt feeling that well after all. I actually ate some chickens on Wednesday night during the Band BBQ and the next day, I was having discomforts with my tummy, from the start of the Sport Fest till it ends. Well, I felt better after I walked to the MRT Station at Newton from CCAB and went for soccer with Jeremy. Haha... Yet, I was not in a good shape. I have not eaten anything since afternoon. Hence, I was at home, eating lunch, which is rice and egg, or should I say, ONLY rice and egg, plus some gravy.

Well, back to the main focus for today. I need to cook a meal for the family, which was boring in the first place but end up to be fun. I woke up at 8.30am to buy the necessary stuff for my Macaroni with Cheese. Cooking starts at 10 plus and ends at 12. Anyway, the main obstacle of this dish is the making of the cheese sauce. It's quite hard to do it but I managed it in the end. The result was great. Everyone likes the food and I do like it too. For the past 2 years or so, it was the 2nd time I succeed in 3 trys. Haha... Phew... Think I gonna make some more for V.J. and gang, which I promised them today...

In the evening, we celebrated V.J.'s Promotion , with V.J. himself treating the rest. The food was nice and the atmosphere was great. I was sick with cheese at that time since the meal during the afternoon make me go crazy. Haha... Anyway, after the whole dinner, we went to try some wine at a wine shop. It taste great but I was the first one to get drunk in the end. I dont get drunk by not walking properly or fainting but I would feel my body is burning. I dont know why. The rest cant feel it but I do. Noob is the correct word to describe my drinking. Haha...

Alright, thats all for today... Tomorrow there's meeting at NYp at 10am... Shagged...

Thursday, April 05, 2007 @ 10:52 PM
Sports Fest...

Frisbee... an interesting sport or game that requires players to throw a disc around. Yet, in a frisbee game, I totally agree that being an officer is harder than being a player in the game. I helped out in the refereeing for the Secondary Girls Category... Well, I only did the Sec 2s and that's it, I give up. I rather do the timing than watching the fouls. Valerie was a better watcher in that. Known as the MVP in Frisbee, its amazing to see her to spot the mistakes made by players... Amazing...

Well, I dont feel like crapping much today since I only had 3 hours of sleep last night... Partly the soccer match results, which was disappointing, partly because of the Sports Fest, which was weird for me to get so excited for nothing, and partly of something that I kept thinking for the past nights...

Anyway, I shall summarise everything!! Well, 4E1 and 4E3 girls are really emotional today. I mean, if you lost, you cry, its alright. Yet, 4E3 won and they cried. Alright, it sound like its normal but they only won the first match. I was wondering what is wrong with them. Alot of gals cried and its really a bother when no one can help them except themselves. I dont think so that the medics have a remedy for that??!! For now, I think some awards could be given out to these classes... Hehe... No offence but its just a personal opinion.

Best Sportswoman Team: Class 4N2 - They just dont do anything to get a point in the game... They really give everything to 4E3...

Best Match: 2N2 vs 2E2 - The gals really did very well. The match went up to 2-2 and with just 10 seconds to go, 2N2 emerge as victors... Nice start for the whole tournament.

Most Bersak Team: 4E3 and 4E1 - What can I say... Gals... Its just a game and in a game, there's definitetly win or lose. If each time I lose a match and I cried, gosh... I would be crying everyday since I'm always a loser in many things. Haha.. Chill up gals... What matters most is sportsmanship... or sportswomanship??

Most 'On' Cohort: Sec 1s - When asked them if they knows how to play Frisbee, everyone say 'YES!!' However, once they started playing the game, the officials would start to yell 'NO...!!!'

Well, that's all for today... Sick and tired of Sports Fest... So many things happened today and I just dont feel like mentioning everything... Haha...

@ 4:39 AM
Good Luck Everyone...

Yeah... I'm still awake in this hour as I had just woke up to watch the Man Utd match desperately yet failed to view it. Man Utd lost by 2-1 at First-leg of the Champions League. Gosh!! Paul Scholes with a double yellow for tackling. All I could say is I hope they would fight back during the Second-Leg to change the scores, making sure that Man Utd could be in the upper hand.

Well, just hours away, the Sport and Arts fest would begin in CCAB. Hmmm... I have been training with Cindy and Alvin 2 days ago and last night, with the Band members during our BBQ in school. I could say that everyone is just too excited and engross with the whole training. The ego towards victory is stronger than last year's and I could see that everyone is trying to prove something to the rest... Maybe... They could perform well in that certain sport??!!

I dont know much about that but I do know that my frisbee has improved within the 2 days of training. Thanks alot. While for now, I shall get back to bed and rest... Good luck to all for the event later... Bored... Tired... ZZzzz...

Monday, April 02, 2007 @ 11:15 PM
When Things Go Bad...

Sometimes its really hard to get what you want for the day. I wanted a peaceful sleep but was disturbed by a SMS... First I assumed that was Alvin again but it turned out to be Mum...

"Please pack & keep all the clothes bef go out. 10s." - Mum

OMG!! I just went back to sleep. I wasnt in the mood to do all the chores, especially I was trying to rest my exhausted body from last night's swim. That night was disaster enough. I was being towed by my friend and while being the victim, who must act so helpless, someone accidentally kick my nuts. -.-" OUCH!!! I just went underwater, paused my movement and relax myself first. Next, I tried to look who did that to me and in front was my Sister towing another gal. My mind started to curse and swear... It end up my coach reprimanded me why I was the slowest since I was a certified lifeguard. What luck...

Well, I woke up at around 11.30am and saw my handphone with another message written. This time, it was from Yi Tian and that was a bad news. NYP Student Affairs has emailed Jannette about our 'wonderful paintings' on the floor and we needed to meet her to explain our doings. I went to check my email straight and believe it or not, NYP is a school that is really using technology at full use. They send an email, attached with the pictures that we had accidentally 'vandalised'. Wow... I end up buying a bottle of thinner once I had my haircut.

My haircut wasnt like haircut at all. It was just a few patches of trimming and that's it. Luckily it was a good haircut and I could style it, unlike the previous cut, that was horrendous. After all the 'hairy' stuff, I went back to Canberra to get my jacket. I missed my jacket while it was in school and I need it during the chalet. I was shivering in cold for the 2 nights and I wasnt sleeping that well. No blanket for me... Haha... But I'm okay with it, since everyone was sleeping soundly and I feel bad disturbing the rest just to get a blanket. Haha...

Once I got my jacket, I went back to NYP to do the cleaning and pay full attention in V.E.. I was indeed tired but I still manage to pull through. While the rest went back, I volunteered to do the packing of the cabinet that contains our scores. Alright, it was a great 1 hour cleaning it. Now it looks much neater, I feel more satisfied with my job as the Librarian in V.E.. Haha... Hmm... Tomorrow there's gym session with Andy again. What's worst was Jeremy, that retard, has no time to spare for a gym session. I mean, it was a gathering too, since Andy, Jeremy and I were from the samee Primary school and joined the same CCA. I was trying to get the two to meet up and catch up with old times but.... FAILED!!! Jeremy... Dont reject any gym sessions again!! I'll kill you!! Lol!! That's all for today... :)

Sunday, April 01, 2007 @ 5:14 PM
Chalet... Day 2...

Plans for Escape was scrapped off since the weather goes bad. We had our breakfast first at 4 plus before heading back to the room to relax our mind with Winning Eleven 9, whereas V.J. was watching 'Hiroshima' using the projector to screen it on the way. Its way much better than the previous time when Jia Long brought the 24 inch TV to the chalet... Well, that would be a start of using better technology systems for our chalet that is planned for December this year, I guess...

Well, Vincent, Jeremy and I were playing the game and it really was a a pain for us, especially Vincent and I, since Jeremy wasnt paying much attention to the game while Vincent and I were trying very hard to win the matches to win the International Cup. Haha... In the end, we won but it was a tiring 2 hours. Once the game is over, we head to the nearby 'Sakura' for a buffet. However, the place was full and we end up walking to White Sands Mall to find 'Pizza Hut'. Yet, there isnt any 'Pizza Hut' outlet and we went to Tampines Mall to eat buffet, known as International Buffet.

Well, we just grab our food and started munching. Althought the sights of Tampines reminds me of going for another tuition lesson with Henry, this time, I was feeling much comfortable. I think that's because it was my first time going out for a buffet with slippers and bermudas?!! I always have a formal dress code when I'm going for a buffet but this time its different. Anyway, the buffet cost each of us $31... Haix... My heart is hurting... There goes my money...

Then, Jeremy was the hero in the end, eating the sushi without realising its wrapped with a layer of plastic in it. Well, I dont know what happens but he complained to me this morning that he has constipation. Alright, partly my bad since I was the one who brought the sushi over. LOL!! Once we finished our meal, we head back to the chalet and watch 'Pirates of the Carriabian' (Think its spelled like this. I dont bother at all right now... :D) Once movie was over, the rest started to play the X Box again. I was too tired in the end, ending up sleeping at 6 plus in the morning.

9 plus arrives and its time to check out. Everyone packed their stuff and we took a cab home. By the way, V.J. and Vincent, thanks for the cab ride. As well as the rest of the people who were at there, thanks for joining me in the chalet. Haha... Gosh... I just had my sleep and now I'm going back to bed again... Tired... 7.30pm there's swimming training again... Haix... It was really not an April Fool's joke after all. Haix... Adios everyone and Happy April Fool's Day... -.-"

Nicholas Teo Wei Teck

Ah Teck
Nic Ku-Ku
Tecko [BamBoo]


12th of July

Protector of lives

Kaplan: University of Murdoch
School of Commerce;
Bach. in Management & Marketing

Complete my Degree Studies
Play Hard At All Times
My First 6 Packs
To Okaido(Family)
Bagpack @ Europe(Eugene & Gang)
To Mount Himalayas(Alum~9)
Aca-Champs 2011(Singthesis)
Singthesis First Concert(Singthesis)
Be Delicated In My Job

Ben CaiYun Eileen Emily KahHong Pauline Paul Roan ShuHui Vanessa Yi Tian

Alissa Fish Gary Shafira Susanne

Azimah Eugene Weena

Charissa Cruyff CSSB Janessa Jarrell MeiQi Nadira RuiXiang Sulastri Tormimi YeeTeng Yvonne

Chevron Enrich Jacinth Jessica

DeHui LaiMun ShuYun

July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
November 2010
January 2011
February 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
December 2011
January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
June 2012
August 2012
July 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014

{2006} Jimmy (25 Goals)
{2007} Eugene (22 Goals)
{2008} Jimmy (43 Goals)
{2009} Nil (---)
{2010} Nil (---)
{2011} Yang [Nino Tan] (15 Goals)
{2012} Nil (---)
{2013} Nil (---)