Saturday, September 29, 2007 @ 11:20 PM
Work, Work, Work!!!
I have been quite tired lately. I guess I have been working too much. Just by looking back at my working schedule, I have been working like mad for this week; Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and tomorrow, Sunday! Wow!! Now I have to take extra rest once work is over.
Well, I was working at Yishun Swimming Complex on Friday and it was a surprise when my coach called me to bring his clothes along to work as Jacklyn was working part-time later. It was also a coincidence as she's handling the Wading Pool whereas mine was the Teaching Pool. Anyway, everything was quite fine. Jacklyn was working for the first time so I had to give her some advices on what we normally do, as well as what I normally would do.
Anyway, I get to learn some facts about the history of this swimming complex. It was opened in 1988 and this means, its 19 years old, same as my age. Cool! Next was my coach had worked in this complex since its opening. Come to think of all the various facts provided by our colleague, I realised that this complex is the place where I started to learn how to swim, where I got my certificates such as Bronze, Silver and Gold for NASSA... also with the 100 laps that I had swim when I was young... Haha...
Anyway, nothing serious occured but there's a funny incident. First, a boy with his slippers on was standing near the pool. With the slippers having contact with the water, Jacklyn had to warn the boy to take off his slippers. Soon, it was the boy's sister doing the same thing. It was my turn to tell the gal to stand back abit. Alright, she listened. Her Mother was like nagging at her but I smiled back to tell her to calm down. Next, it was their Dad doing the same thing AGAIN. LOL!! You can see the mother was going to drop dead after all 3 of them did the same thing. Haha... Poor Mother...
Well, today I was having my duty at Yio Chu Kang... Everything went fine till evening when this family had their toy ball stuck on the rooftop. They did something wonderful by trying to climb up. The mother was carrying the kid up, letting the kid to climb up the roof. Diao!!! Alright, my whistle keep ringing non-stop and luckily my colleague was there to help me by confronting them. It was quite crappy at the end of the conversation. The lady was saying that we should be planning how to get the ball down and if we dont try, how would we know that it wont work. Yeah... You wont try, how do you know it wont create accidents and we will be fully responsible for it? What if this flawless plan has a 0.0001% mistake and the mistake happened? Are we lifeguards responsible? Gosh!! Planning... Why dont we try draw out a mindmap and type out a report first before we use the plan...
I guess I shall stop here now. Man Utd is currently leading and this means they are still 2nd in the league table. Great! Haha... Tomorrow's there's work again, and Monday is V.E. camp... Gonna be away for 3 days and training will be hectic?? I hope not.. Hehe...
Before I go, I learnt something new today. If you see a gang of people playing wrestling like mad, try this quote if you're a lifeguard.
"Do you guys need a referee??" I guess they would look at you like timid mice and halt their actions. LOL!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007 @ 1:20 AM
Nothing Is Impossible
Gosh!! Cant believe it that I had been scammed by my Mum. I thought she was so good to have a 1.5 litres Root Beer in the refrigerator. When I pour a cup out from it and taste it, guess what??!! It was cooling tea, '凉茶'. Haix... How did I fall into her tricks again. The sensation of having a cup of soft drinkjust halt instantly. What the...
Anyway, I have been working for the past 2 days in the pool. Tuesday was an afternoon shift at Yishun Swimming Complex while Wednesday was a morning shift at Yio Chu Kang. Quite a few things happened today and I guess, it really gives me some positive thoughts after all.
Anyway, Tuesday was a normal and boring day for me in the pool. Since its a Tuesday, there isnt much kids playing at the wading pool so I dont have the chance of getting high blood pressure from them. Until one moment when 2 parents make my blood boil. It all happened when the Father wanted to bring the kid to play the slide. It ended up him and his kid sliding down. With no choice, I need to warn the guy with my whistle. The Father was quite nice by showing his understanding regarding the situation.
Then 2 minutes later, it was the Mother who went for the slide with the same kid. OMG!! I had to blow the whistle the 2nd time to provide cautions to them. I mean... Why didnt the Father told his wife about it? Are they trying to make me go mad since I have nothing to do?? First was the Father and then the Mother. Not trying to pick on anyone but if you are me, I guess you will faint if all their relatives are there and one by one, each of them did the same stunt. -.-"
Well, as night falls, I went to meet the gang for Mooncake Festival gatheirng. I had to buy my dinner first and got to met Diana and her brother, as well as Valerie and their group of friends. Haha... I didnt notice them until Diana went to tap me on the back. Okay... I was busy thinking what food to eat and the things I need to buy for the gang so was quite in a rush. Once everything was done, I head to the canal to meet the gang. Just a few chats and thats it. Everyone went to have supper while I send Xin Ni back home first. In the end, I went back home as I have to work in the morning, early morning...
6am!! My Mum went crazy, yelling at me, getting me to wake up. Gosh!! I have work at 7.40am and she woke me up at 6am??!! Isnt that too much?? I'm dying to get some rest here and she just start to become the hen, making noises to wake us up. Haix... I end up reaching the pool at 7.30am, tired and restless. Everyone was quite normal till some kids came. They were special kids, who came from M.I.N.D.S., which is a special school. Anyway, it didnt make them special at all but make them normal. Their passion towards swimming makes me wonder why life is quite a challenging path that one has to take on.
Although they are fairly good swimmers, it did touched me for their actions. There is no difference between us and them. Its just that they are more determine in trying things that people thought they would not be able to do it. Seriously, I would give them two thumbs up for their effort to learn. Haha!! Back to the duty crap, I was feeling so tired that I dozed off a few times. It was a torture as you feel like sitting at the chair for hours or days but it turned out that its only minutes that has past. SAD!!!
Once everything's over, I met Kah Hong to hunt our concert jackets. Luckily, he suggested that we head to Junction 8 in Bishan to search for better clothes and guess what, G2000 was having a promotion sales and their jackets, which suites us, cost around our budget. Finally, we found something that we really need and size wise, I hope tomorrow the guys would come punctually and try out the clothes before we make any orders. Being a costume I/C for guys is tough, especially when size does matter. No offence but if I was a bigger size guy, I will also face the same difficulty to get my clothes for concert.
Alright, ending here... I think I gonna rest early since I gonna meet the rest for gym in NYP tomorrow at 9am. Haix... Before even I have the chance to sleep, I still need to drink the big cup of 'Root Beer' I had now... Who wants some Cooling tea??!!! Anyone!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 @ 1:24 AM
Last Day Of Turb City!!
Alright, yesterday was the last day of work in the Turf City, it was also Benjamin (V.E.) & Kian Wee's birthday. Firstly, so sorry for the late wishes to you Ben. I was too busy till I forgot about it. While for Kian Wee, I do hope you enjoy yourself last night. Although it was a short period of celebration, what matters most is that you do enjoy it, right??!! SMILE!!
Well, I was late for work, or should I say, the four of us are late for work. Jia Long came late, after playing DOTA the night before till the wee hours. For that, I have nothing to say about it as I dont think he understands the simplicity of 'responsibility' in his life??!! Well, I dont care about that. Once we were there, we started our job. This time, Eugene and I were taking the air conditioned area. We are sick of smelling the smoke of the cigarettes, which we are trying to reduce the risk of getting cancer?? Lol!!
Again, Jia Long was sleeping at the corner while Eugene and I managed to get a few people to do our survey before the race starts. Gosh!! I mean, sleeping isnt a wrong thing but please, at the correct timing and place can? Haix... While Kian Wee and Jia Long were at the other side of the Turf City, Eugene and I were getting bored. We tried to guess which horse would win each race but failed to do so after guessing for the past 6 to 7 races. I guess luck wasnt by our side at all. The worst part of the whole 7 hours was that we are finding a place to keep out body temperature high. It was quite cold and I guess I was not feeling well at all. Imagine feeling hot on the 1st day and cold in the 2nd day?? Gosh!! What an experience...
Work's over and off we went to celebrate Kian Wee's birthday at Long John Silver. Dont ask me why its that place but it seems that no matter who's having a birthday celebration, we would be at the same Long John Silver stall to celebrate. After eating, we had neoprints, which was quite a whacky one, with everyone squeezing into the small place to take a picture as a memorial. Once everything was done, we head to Safara Yishun for a pool game before heading home.
Anyway, quite a few things happened but I dont wish to say it. Yeah, it does make my blood boil but I dont care about it. Man Utd won Chelsea last night by 2-0 and its a good thing. 3 cheers for Man Utd!! Haha... Although I didnt watch the match due to technical difficulties with my Sopcast, I got to watch 'Secret' the movie. It was a nice movie which touched me. Just put yourself in the show and you will understand how fantastic love can be.
Haha... I dont care about love for now. I'm still happy to be single. Although my gang would say the small gals I 'bluff'' is enough for me, I dont think its necessary to bluff or something. I'm just being myself, no acting at all. Haha... Anyway, whoever wants to watch a good romance movie, try 'Secret' by Jay Chou. Its indeed nice. The story plot is an interesting one but seriously, if you want to know the whole story of the movie, watch it. I wont gonna say it out, as its a secret... LOL!! Isnt it not nice if I tell the story?? I dont want to be a spoiler.
Well, before I end, I just want to apologise for some stuff last night. I dont mean to blast it out but I was saying my opinions that has been kept in my heart. To Eugene, I'm not blaming anyone but just hope that some would need to understand that there's a limit to things. I think you would understand what I mean. I dont like the feeling of being ordered to do stuff, especially when one thinks that it should be my job or piority to do it for them. I'm like what?? A dog to them?? Well, all I could say that even a dog has their own dignity. I have mine too.
Hence, moral of the short 'story' is, put yourself in someone else's shoes. If you think your actions are right, so be it. However, you can make a fool of yourself but not on others. Ther's a limit to everything and I dont think that a 18 year old needs to be reminded for that for each mistake he makes all the time. Wake up and snap back to reality!! I dont wish to be the one among all to bash you up one day...
Friends??? Well, you bet, especially when it comes to bringing you back to the real world and understanding something that you never been through before... That's what a friend should do to another...
Sunday, September 23, 2007 @ 12:45 AM
Working In Turf City
This is my 2nd time going to Turf City, not to see the horses but to do my job as a surveyor. The Turf City management had employed us to survey the visitors regarding how useful is the chinese commentary after its been used. It sounds easy but in fact, it isnt at all.
Kian Wee and Jia Long got a better life by stationing themselves at the air conditioned area while Eugene and me paired up to do the grandstand, which was really hot and stuffy. I was not feeling that good as I dont like the smell of smoke. Moreover, with the computer stating that we are working at an evironment that is 33 degrees high, it wont be a good way to complete our task on time.
Well, I managed to survey a few people. Some were giving me false statements while some were trying to add on more information, such as complaints and demands. You asked them a simple question and they will shoot you back with their long story. Not bad, at least I could tolerate it. Eugene was not having a good time as he was being rejected by several visitors. In the end, we helped each other to do the surveys, as well as recommending some visitors for him to ask them the questions. At least, we give each of us a chance to prove that we are doing our job.
I did learn quite a few things while working at Turf City. It sounds rather ridiculous but it is the fact.
1) When the music is played and the commentator is ranting about the progress of the race, it sounds like the commentary was actually a rap song. Yeah!! Commentator rapping with the music in it. COOL!!2) You can place your bets (without using any money) with your friends to guess which horse wins and you will find it quite thrilling at times.3) When the odds shows 'Win $200 / Place $20' (shows that the $20 you placed for the horse and if the horse wins the race, you get $200.) in the computer and that horse DID wins the race, there can be 2 kinds of meaning:i) The good image of it: Its lady luck that allows you to win the bet!ii) The bad image of it: If you win, I CHOP my head and cook it for curry!!Now that I learnt these stuff, I guess those who never know a thing about Turf City or horse racing will get a better understanding of it. Haha...
Once work ends, all of us head back to Sembawang for soccer. In the end, I was too tired to run about. I suffered backaches while playing and thanks to a mishap, I injuried my left ankle. It was an accident but it was a scary one. Kian Wee hit the back of my foot while Jimmy hits the front. The foot was in between and with the force implied, my ankle hurts. It was like another 'snap' since my previous injury, known as a dislocated ankle.
Well, it didnt trouble me after that but again, when Jimmy tackled me and having his hind leg in front of me by surprise, I tripped. Again, the pain came back and it seems that I was not feeling that good. For now, I still can walk about but for the next few days, no running is to be done I guess. I gonna rest my foot and hope the pain dies off by itself.
By all means, I dont wish to get another injury. A sportsman's worst fear is to suffer from injuries and setbacks. Some able to handle it but some had end their careers and never become the same again. However, one's injury will determine one's ability on the handling of its injury. Its easy to fall but hard to get up. I will need to determination to do that...
** The Good: Birth of baby gal in Sembawang open area** The Bad: Lost of the gal, Nurin, from Malaysia** The Ugly: Tomorrow's work at Turf City... Hope I dont get the smoky area!!! Dying for FRESH air
Saturday, September 22, 2007 @ 12:36 AM
Back To The Past...
I had recieved an email from Vincent, regarding the Alumni google group. I wanted to download the picture but failed to do so. In the end, I still end up doing something funny to save that picture. Here it is:

This is a picture that was took 6 years ago, which was the time when half of the Elites from 5N3 were. I dont know that they still have this picture in the school's database but its indeed interesting, especially seeing the old image of myself as well as my other classmates. Time flies and there is no way we can stop it. With such a picture, it still bring memories to us, which is the best gift that one would ever get as a student in his or her Secondary school life.
Anyway, back to my crap... Today was a a hectic day for me, I had a tuition in the morning, meeting in the afternoon and work for tomorrow. In the morning, I was teaching Henry Mathematics. Alright, there isnt any trouble from him today so everything went smoothly. Once tuition's over, I head back to Causeway Point to retrieve my phone. At least its back alive! I didnt know how to use my Mum's handphone, and I really gave up using that antique.
Straight away head back to C.S.S. to do some stuff with my iPod. Before I left, the netball gals tried to pronounce my name but turned out to be in vain. They called my name as 'Wei Ting' instead of 'Wei Teck'. Hence, I end up teaching them the basics of pronouncation. All you need to do is shout it out loud, 'WEI!!! TAKE LA!!!" , which definitely sounds like my name, an easilier approach that could be adopted by the young and old. Thank you...
After C.S.S., it was NYP. I had a meeting with my V.E. mates and I was late for 2 hours. Okay, my bad for that. I was really busy today and I didnt mean to be late. Well, the interesting part for today was the test that I did in Ben's SD. An IQ test, which tells you approximately how your brain is. This means whether your brain condition is currently suitable for what age. Luckily, mine is 46 years, which is not as bad as Cai Yun. LOL!! Alright, kidding. However, I'm not yet at the Senior Citizen level so that's a huge relief for me.
At least in one of the quiz, I managed to get through the game, which was to memorise the positions of all 25 numbers and write it out. Well, I managed to hit 18, breaking Ben's record but I think I was not really memorising. I was sort of cheating by adding Mathematics figures to make it easier to remember. Thats why my memory is very bad but I need some creative ways to memorise such things. My bad..
Once meeting was over, I went to meet the gang at Sembawang for a short game of basketball. I didnt feel like going back early. Once the game ends, it was time to head home. Time did past so fast but the agony of trying to have a nice sleep would not rest. I guess its time to settle down in the bed and start to doze off. Work starts tomorrow at 11.30am and I hope its gonna be good stuff. Hope its not gonna be something torturous.
Oh yeah,
just for the 2 'Aunties', how do I differentiate the both of you is simple. 'Middle Auntie' will call me 'Uncle Ni-co-las' whereas 'Small Auntie' calls me 'Uncle Wei Teck'. Now you should know how I could guess who's who. Well, just a hint for you two. I called both of you Aunties in a different way due to your height. Hmmm... No offence but try to relax and smile alright?? Aunties??
Haha... Cold joke stops here... Time to ZZzz...
Friday, September 21, 2007 @ 12:53 AM
Some Things About Me...
Well, dont ask me why I'm typing this. I have no idea why I would start this entry with such a title. I guess its just to introduce myself to the people who are reading this blog, especially to the 2 'Aunties' I met in the school library.
YEAH!! That's for you!! Small Auntie & Middle Auntie!!No offence for the nicknames but since I dont know the two of you well and I dont wish that the whole of Canberra Secondary will visit my blog day and night, to do something funny with my tagboard and other stuff, which Patricia and Siew Hui have been doing this days, probably weeks. I've SUFFERED enough under the creative minds of the 2 gals from A.M.K. Secondary. I mean, not another 2 more gals to pile up the whole crap... Haix...
Alright, let's start the introduction then...
Name: 'Nicholas' Teo Wei Teck (张伟德)Dont ask me why I have such a weird name. Its probably translated from Chinese to get its English form. Well, if you want to know more about my name, ask my Mum. She has all the answers to it.
By the way, many would be curious why I have the name 'Nicholas' in my profile. Well, 'Nicholas' is not my the name that can be found in my I/D. Its just a name that I have chose for myself. I dont know why I would choose such a name but I guess it does fits into my full name so that's why I put it as part of my name. Another coincidence about this name is on the meaning of 'Nicholas'. Here's the description:
From the Greek name Nikolaos which meant "victory of the people" from Greek nike "victory" and laos "people". Saint Nicholas was a 4th-century bishop from Anatolia who, according to legend, saved the daughters of a poor man from lives of prostitution. He is also known as Santa Claus (from Dutch Sinterklaas), the bringer of Christmas presents. He is the patron saint of children, sailors and merchants, and Greece and Russia. Nicholas was also the name of two czars of Russia and five popes. Not saying that the people needs me but something similiar here is the word 'victory'. I'm always seeking for a win, especially when its competitive games such as soccer. To me, I believe that never give up is always the best remedy to succeed and determination is the key towards victory.
Well, back to the topic. Very seldom people in Canberra Secondary will call me Nicholas as I never used that name until I reached Polytechnic. Its only my CCA mates called me that. Hence, just call me 'Wei Teck' will do but if you really have probs mentioning or pronouncing the name, then 'Nicholas' or 'Nic' will do. LOL!! I dont want my name to be a difficult name to be pronounced, just like a kid learning phoenix. Haha...
Favourites: Sports, especially soccer...Due to my classmates influence, soccer slowly became the sport of my life. I may not be a professional or good soccer player but with the heart to play hard, that is what it takes to be part of this beautiful game. People then to think that I'm quite crazy as I could be exercising for the whole day with 3 different sports and I never seem to be tired or saying 'ENOUGH'. Haha...
During my days in Canberra Secondary, you can see me running up and down, and no matter what, I will run. Think I'm crazy, yeah, you bet but that's my way of life. I just wish to train to become better each time when I play a sport and I dont believe in defeats. That's why I could be quite violent while playing competitive games as the ego in me to win the games moves to its extreme. Hot tempered at many occasions but I just wish I could learn to control them.
Well, that's also another reason why this blog could be quite boring as I type about my soccer experience most of the time. Its not that I've no life but things are stick as it is, like a routine. Yeah... With my love in sports, I was in Nanyang Polytechnic, under Sport & Wellness Management Course and currently working in swimming pools as a Lifeguard. It seems like the Singapore Sports Council (SSC) is part of my life now. LOL!!
Well, for now, I hope the 2 'Aunties' would understand my name and not calling me a crazy person. Anyway, you gals missed the pizza that we had ordered!!! 4 PIZZAS and you gals didnt grab a bite??!! Hmmm... Next time then... LOL!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007 @ 1:24 AM
Aluto - Michi... To You All
This song is the ending theme of Naruto Shippudden, sang by Aluto, untitled 'Michi.. To You All' Its a nice song to me, which touch my emotions when reading the exact meaning of the lyrics. Well, I shall put the translations over here. I have put the song in this blog, so do enjoy the song... :)
Original / Romaji LyricsDaitai itsumo doori niSono kado wo magarebaHitonami ni magire komiTokete kiete iku
Boku wa michi wo nakushiKotoba suranaku shite shimau
Dakedo hitotsu dake waNokotteta nokottetaKimi no koe ga
Warau kao mo okaru kao mo subeteBoku wo arukaseruKumo ga kireta saki woMitara kitto
Nee wakaru desho? (Nee wakaru desho?)
Aimai ni ikiteitemoKokoro ga mijuku demoSore de ii hora soko ni waDaiji na hito ga iru
Kimi ga mayou no naraBoku ga michi shirube ni narouNochi wa shinjireba ii
Tashikameru jutsu wa mottaOsorenaide
Hikari atsume sora ni hanatte iruKimi ni wakaru you ni
Soshite ayumu michi woMotto terasou
Dokomademo... (Dokomademo...)
Kami koe kuchi yubisaki e todoke
Ima dake demo ii (Ima dake demo ii)English TranslationJust like alwaysAs I turn that cornerI am lost in the waves of peopleMelting, disappearing
I lose my wayI even completely lose my words
But just one thingRemains, remainsYour voice Your smiling faces, your angry faces, everythingKeeps me walking onThe point where the clouds breakI'm sure you can see it
You know what I mean? (You know what I mean?)
Even though I live ambiguouslyMy heart is immature, butBecause of it, look, over there isThe person important to me
If you get lostI will be your guideIf you believe in me
I'm positive I know the waySo don't be afraid
The light collects and shoots across the skyLike it understands you
And then, the road you walkShines even more
Forever... (Forever...)
Going from your hair to your voice to your mouth, to your fingertips
It's just as good now (It's just as good now)**** Credits to
@ 1:02 AM
The Strength Of The Team...
Just had my dinner, which sound quite absurd to many, especially when someone takes his dinner at around 12am, which is during the woo hours of a new day. That sounds like breakfast to me but still, I dont care much about it. Haha... I mean, its just about the intake of meals and I had soccer earlier on so I have no choice but to had my meal at a later time. Haha...
Well, soccer was quite fun today but I wasnt doing my best. Jeremy joined us today and I hope he does enjoy the play. He really missed one opportunity to score in the game. Anyway, it was nice of him to join us. Haha, thanks dude...
Well, a group of people came to join us so it was the start of the 'Goal Tally' records. Anyway, the 1st game was a nice start but a bad ending. We lost the game 3-2, with me having the opening goal while Eugene had the 2nd. It was a nice play but then, I was having problems with my teammates. The passing wasnt good enough. I mean, I was not at the right place and the right time and I can see Jack was frustated at my type of play. Okay, my bad for that but I guess i'm not kind of guy who plays as a sole striker. Attacking midfield should be a better way to describe me.
I prefer to take the ball and start pushing it forward. I'm not that kind of person who finds spaces between other players and start to attack. Its too hard for me and I dont have the speed to do that. I do dribble at times but as a striker, I wont have the chance to do that and I probably will have a hard time when 3 players are guarding you. That's quite different, slightly, when you are at midfield where you still can cut 2 players and deliver a shot. Haix... With so much explanation, its hard to get people to understand what I'm talking about. They may know better than me about my weakness but love it or not, thats all I gonna say. Nothing big about this. As long as I play the game like I'm always be, then thats it.
The 2nd match was much better, especially the ending when Jack, Jimmy and I scored with a goal each. Eugene had 2 goals in him and thanks to previous contribution from Nan, we lead the game with a huge margin. Jimmy's goal was the best among all, with a pass from Gavin (goalie) to Eugene, he passed the ball to Szaywan and Szaywan creates th opportunity for Jimmy with a cross. Jimmy's head connects the ball and let it pass the opponent's goal and that's it! Amazing! Good one touch and a stroke of genius towards the goal.
Well, Gavin was able to make a cleansheet but a mistake in the last 10 seconds before lights off, denied him the chance to make his first ever cleansheet in the 'Goal Tally' board. Well, luck was not on his side but he did proved that it doesnt need luck to win the game. Its concentration plus teamwork and communication that makes the game go flawless. Nice job guys...
While for me, as usual, I gonna train hard again for soccer. I sometimes feel like taking a break or two but its hard to do so with so many commitments. Yeah... I'm always TOO busy but maybe, to ensure everyone's happy, I'm just doing too much. Tired... That's how I feel... but the journey will never ends and effort must be put in no matter what. Life... Yeah, that's my life... The journey shall end when I really cant move on... but it wont happened, I guess...
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 @ 3:06 AM
Just a Game...
I saw this from Cindy's blog. At first, it was quite lame (the way its being played) but never mind, since she has written down my name and I supposed to write something out of it, I shall do it.
Rules of the game: Each player if this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about themselves. People who get tagged must write in their blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end of it, you must choose six ppl and list of their names. And no tagging mie back too ehhs (:
1) Each of my meal must have an egg in it.
2) I like chicken rice but not the chicken, just the rice ONLY.
3) When I sleep, I look like a dead corpse, due to the way I sleep.
4) I always need an extra pillow to cover my face in order to sleep well.
5) I'm always over-sensitive towards small issues, that's the nature of me...
6) I love to compose music but I cant play the piano. The music notes are in my mind.
7) I was a scout in my Primary school years but I attended less than 5 meetings each year. That's call hardworking...
8) I can gloom myself in front of the mirror with my Gatsby for more than 10 minutes.
9) I tend to sleep no matter where I go... Too tired I guess.
10) No one is allow to TOUCH my hair... but I do allow the ball to touch it, weirdo...
6 names to tagged:
1) Monkey 1
2) Monkey 2
3) Monkey 3
4) Monkey 4
5) Monkey 5
6) Monkey 6
Yeap!! The tagging stops from here so it wont be a chain tag at all. Anyway, who are the monkeys?? Well, you shall guess.. Probably I'm refering to those in South Africa. Hence, there's nothing you can do about it.
Anyway, before I end here... Just a short respect for the dead. For the 2 fellows who died at that mishap in Hougang due to the fire, God shall bless you and protect you. Anyway, I dont know them but someone knows them. Its not my duty to do this but I feel that there is a need to do it. Since people are flooding my taggie, wanting me to die... Hmm... I dont mind too. I have no regrets at all at this moment. I'm just stay happy and be myself. As the saying goes 'Arrows and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.'
Sayonara.... Thats for you my friend... smile...
@ 2:23 AM
Excess Training = Sick -.-"
With a sorethroat few days ago, I'm plagued with a flu virus after my dinner today. Gosh!! What is wrong with me? Am I too exhausted with my workout or I'm just lacking of rest? From Friday till now, I'm really been busy with sports and work. Plus the singing practises that I'm having in my Polytechnic, I really need to rest my body more than the times I'm towards training...
Well, just a few updates on what I was doing. Friday was meeting the V.E. mates of mine to a concert, which was at Ang Mo Kio Community Centre. The performance was a wonderful one, as we enjoyed the songs, such as Wang Lee Hom's 'Luo ye Gui Gen' and JJ's 'Bu Dong'... Haha... It was sung by this former Project Superstar contestant, which I really agree that he's one of Singapore's best talented singer. Hmmm... After the concert, I went back home, take a 2o minutes rest before heading to the street soccer court for soccer with Jack.
Both of us ended up playing match with other outsiders. Well, the match was quite fun. Especially when both of us pair up together as we lead the attack. They were playing 10 goals but by 8 goals, we stopped. Well, the outsiders were thinking of competing with others but guess what, Jack and I wouldnt mind. The score line was 8-0 and it was a trashing game. I agree that I was on form and playing too much solo action. Anyway, I really enjoyed the game as I keep scoring goals like nobody's business. Haha...
Well, one of the best goals I scored that night was still the last goal in one match, where I asked my teammate to back pass the ball towards me. I got the ball, turn it around and whacked it hard. The ball went between the legs of the goalie and we won the game of 10 goals. It was a tiring game but at least I feel that I have improved with my shooting, sort of. Although more work is to be done, I still think that I need to train my teamwork. Haha...
Saturday was back to working in the swimming complex at Yishun. Everything was the same. Children playing... Adults being whacky and many many more. It still give me the same feeling; the blood boiling feeling. The best incident was when one adult played the slide and when I told him off that the slides are for kids, I recieved the best excuse I ever heard from an adult:
Me: Sorry sir, you are not allow to play the slide. Its for kids from 3 years to 10.Guy: Oh! I know... I was just trying out the slide whether if its safety for my child or not.You may think that it is quite normal but think again. I say that guy has no brains at all. I cant believe that someone will tell that in front of me. You know that the slides are restricted to adults and yet you played. Most importantly, if its not safe, then you should swim at other areas instead. You mean your kid will be in danger while playing the slide, with hundrd of kids did played the slide everyday??!! Gosh!! Give me a better reasoning next time you enter the Wading Pool... LOL!!
Sunday was my Rock-climbing course and I managed to pass it. V.J. was with me to attend the course and when everyone started climbing, only 2 of us from the class managed to climb to the peak of the 15 metres wall. Anyway, I managed to climb up to the peak during the assessment but when I came down, the instructor told me to climb again as I didnt communicate with my partner enough. I was like half dead and quite relectant to climb but never mind. Anyway, what matters most is that I'm enjoying the sport. Next time I gonna try the 18 metres climb, gonna challenge myself no matter what.
Once climbing is all done, I went back home, pack my stuff and head back for swimming training. This time was quite tough for me, probably I was not getting a good rest since climbing for the entire afternoon. I managed to pull through the whole training but once I was home, I couldnt lift my hands up. My energy were all drained. I only could do was to do my MIDI stuff and sleep by 1am. Till now, my arms are still heavy. I need more rest today and be ready for this thursday's gym session with Cai Yun before going for V.E. practice. Haha..
I gonna work during this Saturday and Sunday... Not as a lifeguard but a surveyor. Some crappy survey that could earn some money for me... Well, after that, I have lifeguard duty on next Tuesday, Friday and Saturday... Wow... What a busy week but its alright. Earn more money to pay for my expenses and as well as for my driviing license once I registered after V.E. Concert. Haha....
For now, I gonna rest... Stupid flu... With a box of tissue isnt gonna stop the hose in my nose from leaking. Someone gonna stop it... HOW?!!! Haix... Hope tomorrow's a better day, which includes no threats from the kids that floods my taggie with threatening words. Always give me a headache, high blood pressure and heart attack when reading their comments... Haix... but, who cares at all??!! :p
Friday, September 14, 2007 @ 1:05 AM
Exam Results...
Haha!! All passed! YES!! Although I did screw my papers, I still pass. One of the papers should be Marketing Management. I should have got an 'A' if I didnt forget to read the stupid instructions. Anyway, that isnt matter anymore. Results are out and at least, I'm still happy with my current achievements.
A rise of my GPA from 2.5 to 2.7 is enough! Small improvements are made but at least, they are the stepping stones of my academic journey in NYP. For the rest of my fellow classmates, good luck with the results. Smile more and see you when school reopens. LOL!!
My results... I dont want to type much since I'm too tired now...
Thursday, September 13, 2007 @ 4:58 AM
England vs. Russia 3 - 0
Just watched the 2nd half the soccer match between England and Russia. England won 3 - 0, thanks to Michael Owen's 2 goals during the 1st half and the game ended with a Rio Ferdinand strike. Nice finishing... Well, Owen's back on form and the whole England squad is getting better. Haha... No comments for that but great praises for the England manager, as well as 'Man of the Match' winner; Michael Owen.
With him back from injury and making his appearance a high flying one, it is no wonder that he is one of the profilic strikers that England needs for qualifiers and other tournaments. Haha... 3 cheers for Owen!! For now... Hmm... Back to sleep... ZZZZZzzzzzz.....
@ 12:41 AM
Killed, Prayed, Throw!!
After 3 days of 'war', its FINALLY OVER!!! Haha!! Well, the war between the stupid cockroach and me. Before I head for soccer just now, I saw it below my bed. Indeed, its still hiding in my room for Day 3 and its time for it to be gone for good.
Alright, it started the first move, coming towards me, freaking me out. Next, it went hiding behind my electric piano. Luckily, the newspaper is just next to me. Weapons ready! Its time to strike back!! LOL!! Well, it ran to one area but with a swift action, the newspaper landed on it just in time. WHAM!!! That's it... Game's over Dude!! Using some tissues, collect it and threw it into a plastic bag before into the bin outside my house. Haha... Okay, that sounds very evil of me but relax!!! I did say a prayer or two for the 'dead', as well as cursing it for a minute or two. At least tonight I can have a peaceful night, isnt it!!! LOL!!!
This afternoon had a swim with Ping Ding and Shuai Xun. Haha... A 3 hour swim but we didnt exercise much. I did manage to swim the butterfly stroke from one end to another. Normally I cant do it but today, I guess I have improved! This sunday would be another swimming training and I gonna try it again. Haha... Anyway, once the swim was over, I went back home soon after my breakfast cum lunch. I had tuition that night so I need to rest.
Tuition was no fun at all. Henry, that kid that I'm teaching, keep climbing onto my head and irritate me with his silly attitude. Haix... Who say job as a private tutor is easy?! Money doesnt come so easily when you work, especially when it comes to deal with kids of their age. Asking him to pay attention is like pleasing the Mother of Cinderella, he is just trying to make me go crazy if there's an opportunity to do so. Luckily I gonna teach him Maths and not all subjects. If not, I will go bonkers and Yong Hong, Joyce or Cai Yun will have the privilage to take care of me in I.M.H. everyday. Haha... Not a bad idea after all...
C.S.S. is not too good for me either. The books are making me going crazy. Although we had done around 3/4 of the books in the library, it still keep piling up. Books from the cabinets, store rooms... I really hate books to the core these days. Haha... Dont blame me but at least I'm trying to do my job as a part-time librarian. Valerie should be getting nuts like me too. I think so... At least now I know two gals in the library that are crazy. Each time they see me, they just laugh... I dont know why but they say they laughed because I was shaking my head while listening music. Hmmm... Well, that's call 'Follow the TEMPO!!!' Haha... Kids gonna learn some new stuff. Music makes wonders in life... dont they know that??!!
Alright... Time for my nap.. 3am there's soccer again between England and Russia. England all the way... Also, Portugal for the win!!! C. Ronaldo will score again!! Hehe...
Thats all now... R.I.P. cockroach!!! PEACEFUL NIGHT for me!!! WOOT!! :D
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 @ 2:34 AM
My Friday, Saturday & Sunday...
Sharks!! I wish to sleep at this hour but that stupid cockroach in my room is hiding somewhere. This disturbs me, ALOT!! I've been hitting the few areas that he's probably around there for the past 5 minutes and while its driving me nuts when i'm playing my 'Winning Eleven' with the feeling that he's gonna fly at any moment... and I mean it, FLY!!! Bloody cockroach!!! I gonna whack you down, throw you away and make sure you wont come back to my room again! Damn!
Well, I'm recovering from my sunburn. There was a gathering on Friday at Sentosa, which ended up only 5N3 students are there. Well, not exactly all but only a few... In the morning, I was late for meeting the rest but didnt expect Jia Long to be THAT late. I was really angry when he came as it took him an hour to prepare himself and guess what??!! He only prepare to bring HIMSELF to Sentosa, without any bagpack. This sounds silly but if you are me, you feel like killing him. I end up keeping my cool when Eugene was saying, "Forget it..." That irritates me alot! An hour for you to prepare and you bring what? Nothing... Then what have you been doing during that hour period??!!! Putting your make-up??!! Oh, come on!!
By the time we reached Sentosa, it was 12 plus. I dont feel like getting into the water or being tanned as I was very tired. I guess I didnt slept that well the previous night and I was dying for some rest. Soon, Hakim started with a great game, and I end up into the water, in order to chase him. Haha... Well, quite fun but still tiring. Since I was totally wet, I began to swim around and the guys were playing some ball games. Hakim attempted the bicyle kick most of the time and by then, he had a sore butt. Haha...
The guys decided to go across the other island and as a experienced swimmer, I was asked to look after Eugene and Hakim. Both of them are weak swimmers and I cant keep them off my sight. If anything happens, I'm responsible... As a lifeguard, one must make sure that everything is fine and safety comes first. Alright, it turned out that Eugene was fine, so as Hakim, thanks to the ball he's holding. I dont mind watching over them but I guess if anything happens to them in the water, I will not only write a few pages long report to the police, plus with my certification dropped by SSC. Haha... Thats not too serious but most of all, to all swimmers, safety first!!
The day ended after a mini beach soccer. Arfah scored 2 goals, against the one and only, ALEX!!! Haha... I cant imagine a nurse scored 2 goals against a pro footballer. Alex should be feeling bad that day but still, it was just a game. We went for dinner at Habourfront Centre before heading home. Everyone was tired, some were like roasted chicken, red and hot. Yeah... Kian Wee was the roasted one. He tanned himself like a BBQ chicken and if anyone touches him, you DIE!! LOL!! Hmm... Jimmy, Hakim, Eugene, Jia Long, Kian Wee, Harlinie, Hafizah, Suhaimi, Alex, Arfah, Wan Xin... Rest well guys, thanks for the gathering...
Saturday was not that good. With my skin start to burn, I still continue to play sports despite my back hurts so much. Soccer was like a 1/2 hour game before we head for basketball since there's only 4 of us and no one else. I do mean by no one else as there's no other soul around except us. Gosh!!! Where are all the people??
Nevermind about that... We had our basketball game and while playing, a mishap occured. I tried to defend Jimmy but as things was too fast, Jimmy hit his head onto my teeth. Ouch!! Well, nothing goes wrong with my teeth but I was bleeding from lips. Phew! While for Jimmy, it is a good thing his head isnt bleeding, just a short pain that's all. Nothing serious, and the game continued. One of my best shot for the night should be my lay-up. Haha... Its been a long time since I used that trick and when I was half mid-air, you feel the strength within yourself. Cool!! Well, a nice lay-up although my team did lost in the end. Sports... Fun... yet tiring... but who cares, I'm training to be better everyday. Haha...
Swimming on Sunday make my body weakened. With the fun for both Friday and Saturday, I was back in the swimming pool to do my training and also, to cool my body from the sunburn I recieved. At least it cooled my body temperature. Haha... Well, I end up doing many butterfly strokes but still in vain. Its always something wrong with my strokes that I hardly make it to the other side. I will just stuck in the middle of the pool and trying to float myself to a grasp of air. Once training was over, the guys decided to buy a drink from the vending machine. They thought that they could do something funny with that machine but it turned out to be unsuccessful. The drink wa stuck in the machine and everyone was dying to take it out. We managed to get 4 drinks in the end, which we wanted only one in the beginning. Guess what... with 4 drinks, we got all the bottles out of that machine and we had spent a total of $6.50. Nice try... lesson for that day... Dont ASSUME on things that you dont know... Haix... Really think that the machine is making an ass out of us.
Well, that's for now... Hope everything is back to normal. For the past few months of cool war, the war, or should I say, the blockage between us is over. I really apologise for the previous post I made, which made you to misunderstood the situation. As for now, get well soon and rest more. Hope you not gonna run later with a 3.5km trial in school. Come on... Sick people do need some rest right??!! Haha...
As for now... I not gonna sleep in my room tonight, probably in the living room or my Mum's room... Anywhere but not in an area that has that bloody stupid cockroach!! Damn YOU!!! -.-"
Thursday, September 06, 2007 @ 12:33 AM
5N3 is still the BEST!!
Mourning the death of Antonio Puerta, Sevilla's versatile left midfielder, I do agree that life is really a weird thing. As a human being, we tend to face success and failure. As a sportman, one must learn to accept defeats and be humble with our victory. There are so many things that one can learn from life but it depends on how the individual takes the matter to what stage in mind.
While for me, soccer is now part of my life. I train to become stronger and better than my friends but of course, only several attributes in me. Saturday's soccer was a great game as I feel that I have improved greatly. Not regarding to the shooting or the passing but the teamwork that I have tried to commit on.
The first game was a mixture of Andy, Jack, Jimmy and me, while the other side was Eugene, Szauwan, Anan and Adam. For the first 1/2 hour, no one manages to score, until Eugene manage to break the deadlock with a supreme finish against Andy. As we are greedy for goals, I started the team's opening goal with a volley. Thanks to a flick from Jimmy, as the ball bounced to the ground and back to the midair, I hit it hard and the ball went to the ground, into the legs of Szaywan and into the goal. 1-1!!!
The 2nd goal came from Jimmy, with me able to get the ball from the tall and well-built Adam, I pulled the ball backwards and with Jimmy behind me, he pulled the ball back, turned swiftly and slotted the ball for a victory. Amazing!! The last goal ended with me with a tap in using my right outer foot. The game finally ended but it was indeed way too long. I do agree that this is the first time we managed to score after 1/2 hour of play, which is very rare for it to happen.
The next game was a terrific game, with 5N3 against the rest; Jimmy, Eugene, Jack and I. I started as the goalie, with no comments at all once Eugene shouted 'There's Lampard in the centre, Gerrard at the right, and Frabregas at the left!', I know I'm destinied to be the goalie. Haha... Well, within a few minutes, we conceded our first goal. Andy placed the shot, which was my misjudgement. Anyway, Eugene managed to hit back one with the ball hitting the post before into the goal. When it was time, I exchanged my role with Eugene and the attack begins.
Holding the ball, I charged forward and was tackled by Adam but since its a 50-50 challenge, I managed to get the ball first and past it to Jack, who tapped it in. 2-1!! After that, it was Jimmy who scored and followed by me. Alot of chances and the team was doing fine. One of the best goal I ever scored for that night was still my 2nd goal in the game.
With the ball, I ran it to the left corner of the space and Andy was marking me. I know there is no way I can do anything but to pass the ball back but I did try some tricks. First, dragging the ball to my side and push it a little forward. After that, I used my right foot, pushed the ball to my right and move forward. With Andy being tricked, there is a space for my shot so, without aiming, I placed my shot which ended into the goal. Wonderful!! That was the trick I was trying to do and it works!!! Haha... Ronaldo will be back, stronger and better than ever... LOL!!!
Well, the game ended with a scoreline of 9-4. I missed my hat-trick after hitting the shot onto the post. OMG!! Well, that was the best opportunity as I was the goalie and I rushed forward all the way. Ihad past Andy, Anan and then Adam by a 50-50 ball but still, I missed it. Haix... Well, it isnt easy all the time but I do agree that the team is still there, the spirit and the determination to win. Thats the way to show how much effort Ms Lee (our class form teacher) has changed us, to make each of us, from being individualistic to creating a bond for teamwork.
Well, 5N3 might be over but still, history has made us remembered that heros does exist at that time. We are the legendary heros of Canberra Secondary in 2005. No one can take over us. As for now, I shall stop my 5N3 story as tomorrow there's a gathering. I have been helping the school library for the past week and its time to get a break. Haha...
Sentosa, here I come... LOL!!!
Sunday, September 02, 2007 @ 10:28 AM
Teachers Day Celebration... That boring Friday...
I shall skip the days of Monday to Thursday as I really dont have the time to type it out. I have to rush back to Canberra Secondary later to do the library stuff. Hopefully everyone can complete it by today. Well, I shall head to Friday's Teachers Day.
Teachers Day was mend to be a fun day for many of the school's alumnis but for Jeremy and I, we dont think it was a fun one. Let's start from the morning when I met Eugene, Raymond and Kelvin before heading to school. Well, I met them at the junction first and as I expected, many of our classmates are not there. I dont blame them for that since most of our class teachers are all gone. Most of them had left the school and there is only a few that we know are still around.
We went up to the hall to watch the concert but actually, I was losing interest by then. Sorry for saying this but I'm getting bored with the performances. Each year, its always rock bands and rock bands... Maybe I do miss some part of the fun there but too bad, it still turn me off. In the end, Jeremy and I went to Computer Lab 1 to do our stuff instead of joining our friends in the hall for the concert.
Yeap! To be more detailed, Jeremy doesnt wish to see someone, so am I. I know he doesnt want to see who and it seems to be very obvious to him who I didnt want to see. Its just getting abit annoying when you get to see the person in front of you several times, and your only response is to act as nothing has happened at all. Its been like a living hell each time I see her. Why? Easy! You wish to say 'Hi' but you mouth is not moving. You wish to smile but there's a glass blocking her view. You wish to take a look at her but you cant do it. That's how I feel. That is why I rather avoid that scenario and went to the lab. Months has past and all I could do is look and not saying a word. I wish to say something but courage is not within me. Guess its best I put it aside...
An hour had past and the concert was finally over. The teachers had reception and V.J. asked the two of us to come over. In the end, I was helping Chris and gang to identify a teacher, which I dont know. Its just like a stupid mission which I have no idea who I'm dealing with. At least I managed to find that teacher they are looking for, who was eating at the furtherest corner at the Design Studio... I didnt ate any food at there. There were too many people and the guys (Eugene and gang) were thinking of going to Seoul Garden for lunch.
Before we left the school, we decided to enter the Teacher's lounge for some table soccer. Haha... Once playing a game or two, we met Kian Wee and Jia Long on the way before going to Causeway for steamboat. It ended up with lunch at Pizza Hut as the avaliable outlets are all crowded. Gosh! I guess there should be a next time for Seoul Garden...
I went back home, relax for a moment before heading down to Vivocity to meet the gals. Just to think of it, one gal would be easy to handle but 5 gals... Hmmm... WHAT A DISASTER!!! I was so tired that when I met them in Ang Mo Kio, I was sleepy, very sleepy.. I end up sleeping at one corner while the gals keep disturbing me. Haix... I do agree that I felt regretful for coming but no choice. Once we were in Vivocity, we wander around aimlessly, until we reached Level 3 and they went into the Pet Safari.
Seriously, I only went to Vivocity a few times and its my first time entering the Pet Safari. All the cute dogs and hamsters really makes you feel that they should be kept in your house. LOL!! I do like animals but find it quite annoying when you have too much things to do and have no time to handle them. After looking at the pets, everyone went back home... Although it was quite boring, I just joined the gals as I cant accompany them for the movie during that afternoon. Well, let me guess... In a trip with 5 gals for 3 hours, I managed to get whacked by them for 40 times? or MORE??!! I dont know... Its just a torture to bring small kids out these days... LOL!!
Anyway, to Antonio Puerta, rest in peace. He died on Tuesday for health problems at an age of 22 years. A great left footed midfielder who could be Spain's most versatile player in football. However, he collasped in the pitch and died 3 days later. Life isnt that easy. We could be living today and die tomorrow. While for me, I dont think I will be bothered with my life and death.
What matters most is how you spent it and how much you cherish it while you are still living in this world. For now, thats all...